Keeping It In The Family: The Bushes and the Nazis
Listen to the first Journalist in History to go the US National Archives and the Library of Congress to go over the Documents to Prove that Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker Bush were Nazi traitors to the country who should have been tried for Treason.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Thyssen, Hitlers Angel has $3Million in US BANKS -Prescott Bush's Banking Relationship with Nazi Germany
Keeping It In The Family: The Bushes and the Nazis
Listen to the first Journalist in History to go the US National Archives and the Library of Congress to go over the Documents to Prove that Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker Bush were Nazi traitors to the country who should have been tried for Treason.
Listen to the first Journalist in History to go the US National Archives and the Library of Congress to go over the Documents to Prove that Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker Bush were Nazi traitors to the country who should have been tried for Treason.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
SPYCHIPS - A Book about RFID Technology & How Government & Corporations Plan to Use it to Spy on YOU!
Unless you believe it's inevitable that you have a chip in ya... you might want to read this book.
RFID everywhere. It's coming, it's here and before long if we don't draft laws to limit the extent RFID can be used tracking people... then you can kiss freedom goodbye forever.
This ain't no joke.
Right now Wal Mart has over twice as much data stored as the internet.
Imagine this figure in Ten years including the goverment and all corporations.
Big Brother is Here.
RFID stands for Radio Frequency IDentification. RFID uses tiny computer
chips, some smaller than a grain of sand, to track items from a
distance. Big business and big government want RFID chips to replace the
bar code. The chips can be embedded in ATM cards, sewn into the seams
of pants, or woven into shirt labels without their owners' knowledge.
The information on these chips can be read secretly, without your
permission, right through your purse, backpack or wallet.
Why Fight RFID?
Big business wants to use RFID to chip, number and track every item on
the planet -- every can of Coke, every car tire, every book, every
garment. They want to know where everything is at all times. By
association, they will be able to know very private details about the
people who buy, wear and interact with those products.
It's Already Started
Wal-Mart is already putting spychips on products. They've been caught
putting RFID tags in Lipfinity lipstick boxes, and just last week we
found an RFID tag on Hewlett-Packard printer/scanner packages in TEXAS!
You can see what we found by visiting our site at
Here's a News Letter from the SPYCHIPS author:
Subject: Anti-RFID rally at Wal-Mart this Saturday in Dallas
Date: October 13, 2005 9:17:28 PM CDT
Dear CASPIAN Members and supporters:
I'm flying into Dallas today for a showdown in the Lone Star State.
It's time to take a stand against spychipping companies and their RFID
tagging activities, and Wal-Mart is at the top of our list. They've
begun brazenly selling RFID-tagged items right under the noses of Texas
shoppers, and it needs to stop.
We're organizing this weekend to send Wal-Mart a clear message:
"Don't mess with Texas! No Spychips in the Store!"
My Spychips co-author, Liz McIntyre, and I will be on hand to help local
CASPIAN members alert the public and the media to Wal-Mart's use of RFID
in stores. We will lead a rally outside of a Dallas Wal-Mart Super
Center Saturday to raise awareness of RFID and demand that the company
immediately stop selling spychipped products.
For more details, see:
Wal-Mart is the 800-pound gorilla of the retail industry, and other
retailers follow its lead. (We've just learned that Best Buy is
considering item-level RFID tagging for 2006. We're betting they'll
rethink those plans once they get hit with a consumer backlash of their
own!) By taking a stand now, we can prevent the spread of these tags.
I have organized five protests since I founded CASPIAN in 1999, and
every one has been a completely positive experience. People bring their
families, their golden retrievers, and their shared love of freedom, and
they leave with the satisfaction that only comes from taking a stand for
what's right. That's a lot in this increasingly apathetic world. And it
feels great.
We now have over 10,000 CASPIAN members around the world and plan to
work with local communities to organize similar events elsewhere. We
know you will prove us right when we say that Americans and people
everywhere else across the globe will fight back against big corporate
plans to number and track us all.
Let's show them that it won't be as easy as they think.
In freedom and with high hopes,
Katherine Albrecht
CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering) //
Co-author of "Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to
Track Your Every Move with RFID"
CASPIAN: Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering
Opposing supermarket "loyalty" cards and other retail surveillance
schemes since 1999
You're welcome to duplicate and distribute this message to others who
may find it of interest.
RFID everywhere. It's coming, it's here and before long if we don't draft laws to limit the extent RFID can be used tracking people... then you can kiss freedom goodbye forever.
This ain't no joke.
Right now Wal Mart has over twice as much data stored as the internet.
Imagine this figure in Ten years including the goverment and all corporations.
Big Brother is Here.
RFID stands for Radio Frequency IDentification. RFID uses tiny computer
chips, some smaller than a grain of sand, to track items from a
distance. Big business and big government want RFID chips to replace the
bar code. The chips can be embedded in ATM cards, sewn into the seams
of pants, or woven into shirt labels without their owners' knowledge.
The information on these chips can be read secretly, without your
permission, right through your purse, backpack or wallet.
Why Fight RFID?
Big business wants to use RFID to chip, number and track every item on
the planet -- every can of Coke, every car tire, every book, every
garment. They want to know where everything is at all times. By
association, they will be able to know very private details about the
people who buy, wear and interact with those products.
It's Already Started
Wal-Mart is already putting spychips on products. They've been caught
putting RFID tags in Lipfinity lipstick boxes, and just last week we
found an RFID tag on Hewlett-Packard printer/scanner packages in TEXAS!
You can see what we found by visiting our site at
Here's a News Letter from the SPYCHIPS author:
Subject: Anti-RFID rally at Wal-Mart this Saturday in Dallas
Date: October 13, 2005 9:17:28 PM CDT
Dear CASPIAN Members and supporters:
I'm flying into Dallas today for a showdown in the Lone Star State.
It's time to take a stand against spychipping companies and their RFID
tagging activities, and Wal-Mart is at the top of our list. They've
begun brazenly selling RFID-tagged items right under the noses of Texas
shoppers, and it needs to stop.
We're organizing this weekend to send Wal-Mart a clear message:
"Don't mess with Texas! No Spychips in the Store!"
My Spychips co-author, Liz McIntyre, and I will be on hand to help local
CASPIAN members alert the public and the media to Wal-Mart's use of RFID
in stores. We will lead a rally outside of a Dallas Wal-Mart Super
Center Saturday to raise awareness of RFID and demand that the company
immediately stop selling spychipped products.
For more details, see:
Wal-Mart is the 800-pound gorilla of the retail industry, and other
retailers follow its lead. (We've just learned that Best Buy is
considering item-level RFID tagging for 2006. We're betting they'll
rethink those plans once they get hit with a consumer backlash of their
own!) By taking a stand now, we can prevent the spread of these tags.
I have organized five protests since I founded CASPIAN in 1999, and
every one has been a completely positive experience. People bring their
families, their golden retrievers, and their shared love of freedom, and
they leave with the satisfaction that only comes from taking a stand for
what's right. That's a lot in this increasingly apathetic world. And it
feels great.
We now have over 10,000 CASPIAN members around the world and plan to
work with local communities to organize similar events elsewhere. We
know you will prove us right when we say that Americans and people
everywhere else across the globe will fight back against big corporate
plans to number and track us all.
Let's show them that it won't be as easy as they think.
In freedom and with high hopes,
Katherine Albrecht
CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering) //
Co-author of "Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to
Track Your Every Move with RFID"
CASPIAN: Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering
Opposing supermarket "loyalty" cards and other retail surveillance
schemes since 1999
You're welcome to duplicate and distribute this message to others who
may find it of interest.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Let the Indictments Begin
Delay was in Baton Rouge only weeks ago on the local news after Katrina, just smiling acting like he's your best buddy. Seeing all these politicians in Baton Rouge makes me ill. A bunch of white collar criminals. How many generations are going to have to pay for the setbacks done to america by the Bush Administration?
And I think all the time. These men, these people have children and grandchildren. Do they think about them at all? Judging by what I see I don't think they think much about anybody.
Raegan had over 100 Indictments in his administration. A record.
I think the Bush Administration could topple that easily if the truth be known. But alas, they cover up & conspire to obstruct Justice so well that they all may be untouchable.
Isn't that what the Bush Supreme Court Nominations are all about? Is it over for America? Is there even a shade of democracy left?
Is this another false begining, indictments & investigations going nowhere?
And I think all the time. These men, these people have children and grandchildren. Do they think about them at all? Judging by what I see I don't think they think much about anybody.
Raegan had over 100 Indictments in his administration. A record.
I think the Bush Administration could topple that easily if the truth be known. But alas, they cover up & conspire to obstruct Justice so well that they all may be untouchable.
Isn't that what the Bush Supreme Court Nominations are all about? Is it over for America? Is there even a shade of democracy left?
Is this another false begining, indictments & investigations going nowhere?
October 1, 2005, Saturday
By ROBERT PEAR (NYT); National Desk
Late Edition - Final, Section A, Page 1, Column 1, 1021 words
DISPLAYING FIRST 50 OF 1021 WORDS -Federal auditors said on Friday that the Bush administration violated the law by buying favorable news coverage of President Bush's education policies, by making payments to the conservative commentator Armstrong Williams and by hiring a public relations company to analyze media perceptions of the Republican Party. In a blistering...
October 1, 2005, Saturday
By ROBERT PEAR (NYT); National Desk
Late Edition - Final, Section A, Page 1, Column 1, 1021 words
DISPLAYING FIRST 50 OF 1021 WORDS -Federal auditors said on Friday that the Bush administration violated the law by buying favorable news coverage of President Bush's education policies, by making payments to the conservative commentator Armstrong Williams and by hiring a public relations company to analyze media perceptions of the Republican Party. In a blistering...
Bunnatine Greenhouse at Army Core Engineers v.s. Halliburton No Bid Iraq Contracts

Bunnatine Greenhouse at Army Core Engineers v.s. Halliburton No Bid Iraq Contracts
Originally uploaded by Antifluff Superstar.
An in depth article in Vanity Fair @ Halliburton in Iraq. Also some other related Links.
Given the lack of support for Katrina in New Orleans it's an astounding perspective... What Halliburton will do to make a buck while the People in America suffer needlessly and are in great danger from the negligence of George Bush tending to his cronies and Oil profits.
Halliburton is in Iraq making Billions while people die. And the Vice President of the United States was their CEO. That is a huge conflict of interest. There is without question foul play and Bunnatine Greenhouse has put her job on the line. She's been fighting to expose this to the public since 2004.
Vanity Fair Article Synopsis: w/Links
In the aftermath of ethnic cleansing, when order had been restored to the Balkans, KBR had won its first LOGCAP contract: it would supply everything that occupying U.S. forces needed, from tents and mess halls to swimming pools and generators. The federal government would be trimmed, private industry would profit, soldiers would be snappily serviced. The original architect of this plan was Dick Cheney, then assistant secretary of defense under President George H. W. Bush. LOGCAP was a huge boon to KBR and its parent, Halliburton. Just four years later, Cheney was Halliburton's C.E.O.
In November 2004 the Pentagon would launch an investigation into allegations that two Halliburton employees in Kuwait had accepted bribes from third-party contractors, and the company would announce it had terminated its relationship with the subcontractors in question. A company spokeswoman, Wendy Hall, would say, "We are doing everything we can to make sure this particular scenario doesn't happen again." But deYoung says that that might be hard, given that a tone was set from the top. KBR chairman Jack Stanley was forced to leave the company in June 2004 for what Halliburton vaguely termed violations of business conduct. He is said to have received "improper personal benefits" involving a Swiss bank account which French investigators say contained $5 million in bribes for KBR contracts in Nigeria. Both the U.S. Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission have launched formal investigations.
"My first day at Camp Cedar, I noticed flatbed trucks were bringing brand-new S.U.V.'s, like Toyota Land Cruisers, Hummers, 4Runners—some of the most expensive S.U.V.'s that money can buy. I saw hundreds of them going to Iraq." The S.U.V.'s weren't hauling anything, Warren says. They were just for KBR personnel to ride in from base to base. They had power windows and CD players. "You don't have CD players in a car in wartime," Warren says wonderingly. On such delicate vehicles, desert conditions were brutal. "Within 90 days," he says, "they were completely trashed."
"A majority of the goods we transported were transported the wrong way," Warren explains. "You can't haul paper towels and napkins on a flatbed when it's raining and there's no tarp. We lost millions of dollars of goods that scattered on the roads. Pants, boots, shirts, water.… And we couldn't stop to pick that stuff up. We told KBR time and again, You can't haul this stuff on a flatbed—you need it in a container. But they never did change. And what happens is, when you start losing things that way, you attract Iraqis. We had people following convoys so they could pick up stuff that fell off the truck."
That July, at the congressional hearing where both Wilson and Warren testified, a KBR supervisor said the truckers were fired for running Iraqi-driven cars off the road with their trucks. "I did do this," Warren says. "But Halliburton management had told us to do it!" Wilson agrees. "We were told when we went to Kuwait that we were to do whatever we could to protect the integrity of the convoy. Even if it meant running people off the road." A KBR project manager for transportation later testified that the army, which made all decisions about KBR convoy security, "does not direct KBR drivers to run civilian vehicles off the road."
From 2004 when she first came out.
Behind the Halliburton investigation - Hardball with Chris Matthews -
ABC News: Army Faces Probe on No-Bid Deals With KBR
The Huffington Post | The Blog (June 27, 2005)
THE BRAD BLOG: "Whistleblowers Charge Pentagon Aided Halliburton" (June 30, 2005)
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Pentagon Evading Oversight - NY Times Sept. 29, 2005
Republicans See Signs That Pentagon Is Evading Oversight
Published: September 29, 2005
Correction Appended
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28 - Republican members of Congress say there are signs that the Defense Department may be carrying out new intelligence activities through programs intended to escape oversight from Congress and the new director of national intelligence.
The warnings are an unusually public signal of some Republican lawmakers' concern about overreaching by the Pentagon, where top officials have been jockeying with the new intelligence chief, John D. Negroponte, for primacy in intelligence operations. The lawmakers said they believed that some intelligence activities, involving possible propaganda efforts and highly technological initiatives, might be masked as so-called special access programs, the details of which are highly classified.
"We see indications that the D.O.D. is trying to create parallel functions to what is going on in intelligence, but is calling it something else," Representative Peter Hoekstra, Republican of Michigan and chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said in an interview.
Mr. Hoekstra said he believed that the purpose might be to obscure the extent of Pentagon intelligence activities and to keep them outside Mr. Negroponte's designated orbit.
Even under the new structure headed by Mr. Negroponte, the Pentagon's activities are widely understood to make up about 80 percent of an annual intelligence budget whose details remain classified but that is widely understood to total about $80 billion a year. Since the Sept. 11 attacks, the Pentagon is understood to have carried out a major expansion of its intelligence programs, including human spying efforts by Special Operations Forces and an arm of the Defense Intelligence Agency, whose missions have expanded into areas traditionally the purview of the Central Intelligence Agency.
The House and Senate Intelligence Committees have been pressing Stephen Cambone, the under secretary of defense for intelligence, for more information about the Pentagon's human spying. But the concerns now being voiced by Mr. Hoekstra and others appear to extend more broadly.
In the interview, Mr. Hoekstra declined to be specific, citing concerns about classification and the general sensitivity of the issue. But as an indication of the committee's sentiments, another Republican lawmaker cited an unclassified report issued by the committee in June, which said the panel believed that "it does not have full visibility over some defense intelligence programs" that do not clearly fall under particular budget categories.
The report said the committee believed that "individual services may have intelligence or intelligence-related programs such as science and technology projects or information operations programs related to defense intelligence that are embedded in other service budget line items, precluding sufficient visibility for program oversight."
"Information operations" is a military term used to describe activities including electronic warfare, psychological operations and counterpropaganda initiatives.
A version of the intelligence authorization bill that was passed by the House this summer calls on Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, in consultation with Mr. Negroponte, to provide Congress with "a comprehensive inventory of Department of Defense intelligence and intelligence-related programs and projects." Those who would receive such a report would include the House Intelligence Committee, its Senate counterpart and the armed services committees in both chambers of Congress.
As part of the intelligence overhaul that Congress ordered last year, Mr. Negroponte, as director of national intelligence, is supposed to oversee 15 intelligence agencies whose activities fall under a budget category known as the National Intelligence Program. Mr. Negroponte has less authority over programs that fall under another category, the Military Intelligence Program, which are intended to provide tactical and strategic support to military commanders.
But the concern expressed by Mr. Hoekstra and others is focused on a third category of programs involving intelligence activity but not labeled as such, and included within the budgets of the individual military services.
"Greater transparency into these programs and projects will enhance Congressional oversight and permit identification of potentially duplicative programs in other services," the committee said in its recent report, issued in June to accompany the intelligence authorization act for the fiscal year 2006.
In the interview, Mr. Hoekstra said the committee had been told that the Pentagon was creating parallel structures "so they don't have to deal with the D.N.I.," the abbreviation for the new intelligence chief.
A Pentagon spokesman, Lt. Col. Christopher Conway, declined to comment on the issue, referring questions to Mr. Negroponte's office. A spokesman for Mr. Negroponte, Carl Kropf, described coordination between Mr. Negroponte's office and the Pentagon as "excellent" on budget issues.
"Successfully integrating D.O.D.-unique intelligence programs and missions into the National Intelligence Program requires full transparency," Mr. Kropf said. "Such transparency exists today."
An article yesterday about concerns by Republican members of Congress that the Defense Department may be trying to avoid congressional oversight by using special intelligence programs misstated the amount of money the government is estimated to spend each year on all intelligence activities. The figure, which is classified, is believed to be about $40 billion, not $80 billion.
Published: September 29, 2005
Correction Appended
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28 - Republican members of Congress say there are signs that the Defense Department may be carrying out new intelligence activities through programs intended to escape oversight from Congress and the new director of national intelligence.
The warnings are an unusually public signal of some Republican lawmakers' concern about overreaching by the Pentagon, where top officials have been jockeying with the new intelligence chief, John D. Negroponte, for primacy in intelligence operations. The lawmakers said they believed that some intelligence activities, involving possible propaganda efforts and highly technological initiatives, might be masked as so-called special access programs, the details of which are highly classified.
"We see indications that the D.O.D. is trying to create parallel functions to what is going on in intelligence, but is calling it something else," Representative Peter Hoekstra, Republican of Michigan and chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said in an interview.
Mr. Hoekstra said he believed that the purpose might be to obscure the extent of Pentagon intelligence activities and to keep them outside Mr. Negroponte's designated orbit.
Even under the new structure headed by Mr. Negroponte, the Pentagon's activities are widely understood to make up about 80 percent of an annual intelligence budget whose details remain classified but that is widely understood to total about $80 billion a year. Since the Sept. 11 attacks, the Pentagon is understood to have carried out a major expansion of its intelligence programs, including human spying efforts by Special Operations Forces and an arm of the Defense Intelligence Agency, whose missions have expanded into areas traditionally the purview of the Central Intelligence Agency.
The House and Senate Intelligence Committees have been pressing Stephen Cambone, the under secretary of defense for intelligence, for more information about the Pentagon's human spying. But the concerns now being voiced by Mr. Hoekstra and others appear to extend more broadly.
In the interview, Mr. Hoekstra declined to be specific, citing concerns about classification and the general sensitivity of the issue. But as an indication of the committee's sentiments, another Republican lawmaker cited an unclassified report issued by the committee in June, which said the panel believed that "it does not have full visibility over some defense intelligence programs" that do not clearly fall under particular budget categories.
The report said the committee believed that "individual services may have intelligence or intelligence-related programs such as science and technology projects or information operations programs related to defense intelligence that are embedded in other service budget line items, precluding sufficient visibility for program oversight."
"Information operations" is a military term used to describe activities including electronic warfare, psychological operations and counterpropaganda initiatives.
A version of the intelligence authorization bill that was passed by the House this summer calls on Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, in consultation with Mr. Negroponte, to provide Congress with "a comprehensive inventory of Department of Defense intelligence and intelligence-related programs and projects." Those who would receive such a report would include the House Intelligence Committee, its Senate counterpart and the armed services committees in both chambers of Congress.
As part of the intelligence overhaul that Congress ordered last year, Mr. Negroponte, as director of national intelligence, is supposed to oversee 15 intelligence agencies whose activities fall under a budget category known as the National Intelligence Program. Mr. Negroponte has less authority over programs that fall under another category, the Military Intelligence Program, which are intended to provide tactical and strategic support to military commanders.
But the concern expressed by Mr. Hoekstra and others is focused on a third category of programs involving intelligence activity but not labeled as such, and included within the budgets of the individual military services.
"Greater transparency into these programs and projects will enhance Congressional oversight and permit identification of potentially duplicative programs in other services," the committee said in its recent report, issued in June to accompany the intelligence authorization act for the fiscal year 2006.
In the interview, Mr. Hoekstra said the committee had been told that the Pentagon was creating parallel structures "so they don't have to deal with the D.N.I.," the abbreviation for the new intelligence chief.
A Pentagon spokesman, Lt. Col. Christopher Conway, declined to comment on the issue, referring questions to Mr. Negroponte's office. A spokesman for Mr. Negroponte, Carl Kropf, described coordination between Mr. Negroponte's office and the Pentagon as "excellent" on budget issues.
"Successfully integrating D.O.D.-unique intelligence programs and missions into the National Intelligence Program requires full transparency," Mr. Kropf said. "Such transparency exists today."
An article yesterday about concerns by Republican members of Congress that the Defense Department may be trying to avoid congressional oversight by using special intelligence programs misstated the amount of money the government is estimated to spend each year on all intelligence activities. The figure, which is classified, is believed to be about $40 billion, not $80 billion.
The Big Lie - "We Respect your Privacy" - SpyChips read the Book
Well they don't store information for nothing... Wal Mart has more data stored than the internet. A LOT more.
SPYCHIPS read the book.
There IS by all means a conspiracy to acquire and control information.
RFID is about control of information.
Billions invested in this area.
Including by the Defense Department.
Well they don't store information for nothing... Wal Mart has more data stored than the internet. A LOT more.
SPYCHIPS read the book.
There IS by all means a conspiracy to acquire and control information.
RFID is about control of information.
Billions invested in this area.
Including by the Defense Department.
Brown Brothers Harriman Banking Corp. - Keeping It In The Family: The Bushes and the Nazis
Listen to the first Journalist in History to go the US National Archives and the Library of Congress to go over the Documents to Prove that Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker Bush were Nazi traitors to the country who should have been tried for Treason.
Pentagon Bars Military Officers And Analysts From Testifying "ABLE DANGER"

Pentagon Bars Military Officers And Analysts From Testifying "ABLE DANGER"
Originally uploaded by Antifluff Superstar.
September 21, 2005, Wednesday
By PHILIP SHENON (NYT); National Desk
Late Edition - Final, Section A, Page 15, Column 5, 477 words
They are covering up the governments involvement and foreknowledge of 911. And when we do find out what's going on America will see we are not prepared for the natural disasters from Nature, and most certainly not safe from terror if your own government keeps you in harms way and then capitalizes upon it. Make up your own story. Any way you look at it. The Bush Administration is the worst thing that has ever happened to America. Tragic and surrounded by controversy, exploitation, pointless death and Sin.
Here's Jeb Bush's Philosophy on the relevancy of Truth:
"The truth is useless. You have to understand this right now. You can't deposit the truth in a bank. You can't buy groceries with the truth. You can't pay rent with the truth. The truth is a useless commodity that will hang around your neck like an albatross all the way to the homeless shelter. And if you think that the million or so people in this country that are really interested in the truth about their government can support people who would tell them the truth, you got another thing coming. Because the million or so people in this country that are truly interested in the truth don't have any money." Spoken by Jeb Bush in conversation with Retired Naval Intelligence Officer, Al Martin and Cited in Bushwhacked, by Uri Dowbenko, September, 2002
**** Here is another important FBI witness who they won't let testify either: Sibel Edmunds, Gag ordered by John Ashcroft.
'State Secrets Privilege' Not So Rare
August 16, 2005
by William Fisher
(Edmonds, a former Middle Eastern language specialist hired by the FBI shortly after 9/11, was fired in 2002 and filed a lawsuit later that year challenging the retaliatory dismissal. An unclassified public report by the Department of Justice inspector general contains much of the information the department now seeks to block.)
As whistleblower Sibel Edmonds asks the U.S. Supreme
Court to review her dismissed case against the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the mainstream media continues to refer to the government's defense – the so-called state secrets privilege – as "rarely used."
In fact, it has been used over 60 times since its creation in the 1950s.
The state secrets privilege is a series of U.S. legal precedents allowing the federal government to dismiss legal cases that it claims would threaten foreign policy, military intelligence, or national security.
A relic of the Cold War with the then-Soviet Union, it has been invoked several times since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Judges have denied the privilege on only five occasions.
It was used against Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI translator, who was fired in retaliation for reporting security breaches and possible espionage within the Bureau. Lower courts dismissed the case when former Attorney General John Ashcroft invoked the state secrets privilege.
The state secrets privilege was used again in 2002 in the case of Notra Trulock, who launched a defamation suit against Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee, a Taiwanese-American computer scientist who had been charged with stealing nuclear secrets for China from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.
The privilege was first invoked against Sibel Edmonds to prevent her from testifying that the federal government knew that al-Qaeda intended to use airliners to attack the United States in 2001. The case was a $100 trillion action filed in 2002 by 600 victims' families against officials of the Saudi government and prominent Saudi citizens.
Edmonds, a former Middle Eastern language specialist hired by the FBI shortly after 9/11, was fired in 2002 and filed a lawsuit later that year challenging the retaliatory dismissal. An unclassified public report by the Department of Justice inspector general contains much of the information the department now seeks to block.
The report concluded that Edmonds' whistleblower allegations were "the most significant factor" in the FBI's decision to terminate her.
Steven Aftergood, who heads the Project on Government Secrecy for the American Federation of Scientists, told IPS, "Once rarely invoked, the state secrets privilege is now increasingly used by the government as a 'get out of jail free' card to block unwanted litigation."
"The idea that courts cannot handle national security cases involving classified information is simply false," he said. "Classified information often figures in criminal espionage cases, and even occasionally in Freedom of Information Act cases. There are procedures for in camera review, protective orders, nondisclosure agreements, and so on."
He added, "In the same way, sensitive classified information could be protected in the current cases where the state secrets privilege has been invoked – without shutting down the entire proceeding. As a society we should be seeking to expand the rule of law, not to carve out more areas where the government is immune to judicial review."
President George W. Bush said national security would be compromised if Trulock were allowed to seek damages from Lee. Though it resulted in the case being dismissed, another suit was launched directly attacking then-FBI Director Louis Freeh for interfering and falsely invoking the state secrets privilege.
Reluctant to go to trial, the government worked out a plea bargain with Lee, who had been imprisoned for 278 days in solitary confinement. Lee pled guilty to improper handling of classified data and was cleared of all charges relating to espionage. Lee was arrested in December 1999 and freed in August 2000.
Barbara Olshansky, the assistant legal director of the Center for Constitutional Rights, which is representing Arar, said that government lawyers "are saying this case can't be tried, and the classified information on which they're basing this argument can't even be shared with the opposing lawyers. It's the height of arrogance – they think they can do anything they want in the name of the global war on terrorism."
SE: Look, I think that that [the AIPAC investigation] ultimately involves more than just Israelis – I am talking about countries, not a single country here. Because despite however it may appear, this is not just a simple matter of state espionage. If Fitzgerald and his team keep pulling, really pulling, they are going to reel in much more than just a few guys spying for Israel.
CD: A monster, 600-pound catfish, huh? So the Turkish and Israeli investigations had some overlap?
SE: Essentially, there is only one investigation – a very big one, an all-inclusive one. Completely by chance, I, a lowly translator, stumbled over one piece of it.
But I can tell you there are a lot of people involved, a lot of ranking officials, and a lot of illegal activities that include multi-billion-dollar drug-smuggling operations, black-market nuclear sales to terrorists and unsavory regimes, you name it. And of course a lot of people from abroad are involved. It's massive. So to do this investigation, to really do it, they will have to look into everything.
CD: But you can start from anywhere –
SE: That's the beauty of it. You can start from the AIPAC angle. You can start from the Plame case. You can start from my case. They all end up going to the same place, and they revolve around the same nucleus of people. There may be a lot of them, but it is one group. And they are very dangerous for all of us.
Bush Wielding Secrecy Privilege to End Suits
By Andrew Zajac
The Chicago Tribune
Thursday 03 March 2005
The secrets privilege is an especially powerful weapon because federal judges, reluctant to challenge the executive branch on national security, almost never refuse the government's claim to confidentiality.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Guilty & Running Scared - Buying of News by Bush's Aides Is Ruled Illegal
Today on October 3, 2005 I found out from Lamar Advertising of Baton Rouge, that a "Private" donation (an individual) from rural Louisiana funded this series of Bush Advertisements which ran along Interstate I-10 @ College Drive in Baton Rouge, La during the month of July 2005. This is the major hub where traffic in Baton Rouge is backed up for hours ever day.
Given that the Bush administration has now been found to be "Buying News" illegally, is this form of advertising acceptable? The Bush administration could design an ad and get anyone to pay for it and we would never know the difference. Just like Payola in the music industry. What if they put up abortion ad's? The other ad that goes with this one was with a Cross erected from 911 steel beams with a flag and some firemen.
Buying of News by Bush's Aides Is Ruled Illegal
Published: October 1, 2005
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30 - Federal auditors said on Friday that the Bush administration violated the law by buying favorable news coverage of President Bush's education policies, by making payments to the conservative commentator Armstrong Williams and by hiring a public relations company to analyze media perceptions of the Republican Party.
In a blistering report, the investigators, from the Government Accountability Office, said the administration had disseminated "covert propaganda" in the United States, in violation of a statutory
Given that the Bush administration has now been found to be "Buying News" illegally, is this form of advertising acceptable? The Bush administration could design an ad and get anyone to pay for it and we would never know the difference. Just like Payola in the music industry. What if they put up abortion ad's? The other ad that goes with this one was with a Cross erected from 911 steel beams with a flag and some firemen.
Buying of News by Bush's Aides Is Ruled Illegal
Published: October 1, 2005
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30 - Federal auditors said on Friday that the Bush administration violated the law by buying favorable news coverage of President Bush's education policies, by making payments to the conservative commentator Armstrong Williams and by hiring a public relations company to analyze media perceptions of the Republican Party.
In a blistering report, the investigators, from the Government Accountability Office, said the administration had disseminated "covert propaganda" in the United States, in violation of a statutory
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